Welcome to Alice Springs

From Ayers Rock / Uluru we flew less than an hour to Alice Springs.   One of very few towns of any size in the middle of the outback.    We toured the city and the old telegraph office where international messages were sent back in the 1860’s.  We went to a school that does remote learning where students are up to 1000 miles apart from each other. They get together twice a year for a week to interact in person.  

We also went out into the Outback for a traditional open air dinner and entertainment.  We did star gazing in the Southern Hemisphere and clearly saw the International Space Station go by.

The next day we went to another location in the Outback to try our hand at boomerang tossing. Some people tried eating Kangaroo tail, we did not.    Joy bought a piece of art from a local Aborigine women and it hangs in our house today..

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  • Population 26,534(2018)
  • Founded 1872
  •  High concentration of Aborigine Ancestry
  • Located in the middle of nowhere

Boomerang & Tasting

Outback Cookout


1800’s Telegraph Station