Welcome To American Samoa

We traveled to American Samoa on a Princess Cruise in April of 2019.  It was a 28 day round trip from the Port of Los Angeles.   It was the first time seeing the island and it was really beautiful.  We did an organized tour around the island to see as much as possible

Just click on a picture to see larger view and get a slideshow

  • Population of 55,212
  • Unincorporated Territory of the the Unites States
  • Pago Pago  Capital
  • 15,000 live in Metro area
  • Just East of International Date Line
  • Uses U.S. Dollar
  • 200 million pounds of Tuna Exported Annually
  • Governor  4 Year Term
  • Highest Point 3170 Feet
  • Drive on Right
  • 6 hours behind east coast

Island Tour

Two Dollar Beach

Long Canoe Regatta