Welcome to Kakadu Natl. Park

From Alice Springs we flew a couple of hours north to Darwin International airport.  After landing we boarded a bus and went due east several hours to Kakudu National Park.   The next day we toured the park and I have to say this was the least impressive portion of the whole 28 day trip.  There were a few cliff paintings from the past, some nice views, and a little boat tour to see wildlife.  We have more wildlife in our back yard in Florida than we saw on the cruise.  Then the next day we did the bus trip back to the airport.   We could have skipped this altogether although we saw a few interesting things on the drive including some ant mounds that were over 6 feet high.

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  • Protected area in Northern Territory
  • 106 miles southeast of Darwin
  • 7,646 sq miles
  • size of the country of Wales
  • World Heritage Site
  • Contains one of the most productive Uranium Mines in the world.
  • Aborigines date back 40,000 years

‘Kakadu National Park