Welcome to Killarney

In Killarney we had free time to just walk around the city, see the sights and get some dinner at a local pub.  The next day we when a short distance out of town to Muckross House and Gardens.  It was a typical example of a rich person’s estate from the 1800’s.  It is extremely well preserved now as a museum.  They had folks inside talking about the roles each member of the household. Unfortunately we could not take pictures inside.

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  • Population of 14,504
  • In County Kerry
  • Dates to 640 AD when Monastery was built
  • On Ring of Kerry tourist loop of the area
  • Has more hotel rooms than any city in Ireland other than Dublin
  • Tourism largest industry
  • Muckross House built in 1843
  • 65 rooms
  • Built in Tudor Style
  • Now owned by the government 

Muckross House