Welcome to Majorca

We made to stops for the day in the Capital of Palma on two different cruises.  On the first cruise we visited a number of locations and they are shown in order on the pictures.  On the second cruise we went in another direction to visit the Caves of Ham,which is in the pictures in the middle.  

It is a good sized island and a lot to see.  We had great weather on both occasions and it was a good couple of days.

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  • Population 896,038
  • Palma is the Capital with population of 416,065
  • History back 6000 BC
  • Part of autonomous community of Balearic Islands
  • Autonomous since 1983
  • Part of Spain
  • Tourism is the main source of income
  • 10 million plus visitors a year
  • Official Languages  Catalan and Spanish
  • Drive on the right
  • Currency is the Euro
  • 6 hours ahead of East Coast

See Full Trip Itineraries

2017 Transatlantic

2018 Transatlantic.

Sailing into the Port

La Granja Ranch

Caves of Ham

Ocean Lookout Point

Town of Valldamosso

Just click on a picture to see a larger view and get a slideshow
