Welcome to Rüdesheim

We had a late afternoon stop in the Village of Rüdesheim.   We started a walking tour along the shoreline of the Rhine river,with the Rhine on our left and village shops on our right.   Of all the tours or excursions we’ve done over the years this one was the dumbest, worst excuse for a tour I’ve ever been on.  There are no pictures and the video shows how I went part way and quit.  Basically the tour guide was saying this is gift shop one, this is gift shop two etc.  The walk along the river from our dock to the village was pretty enough and that would have been plenty just to stretch our legs.

  • Population 9,949
  • Wine making town
  • Wine area is a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage site
  • 1st mention in 1074
  • There are things to see in the city, we just weren’t shown them given limited time.

Shoreline Walking Tour