Welcome to Sydney

Flying from Tasmania to Sydney we had our last stop in Australia.   The city is fascinating, with amazing landmarks like the Sydney Bridge, The Opera House, the Sydney Harbor, a first class Aquarium, and a City Zoo. We toured all those places and did a dinner cruise on the last night in Sydney in the Harbor.

The highlight of the visit for us though was getting to climb the Sydney Bridge.  Only four of the tours 30 folks opted to do it.  It was an amazing experience and the views of course were spectacular.   They have a patented system that there is no way you could fall, or jump for that matter.  And you get to wear the stylish blue jump suits.  The walkways up were wide and easy to do, but a little steep and there were a couple of steep stairs you had to navigate, but not bad at all.    I highly recommend it.

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  • Population 5,312,163(2019)
  • Founded 1788
  • In top ten cities for tourism
  • Sydney Opera House
  • Sydney Bridge
  • Sydney Aquarium
  • Sydney Harbor
  • Blue Mountains resort area close by
  • Multiple Beaches and Parks
  • Sydney Zoo
  • Sydney Tower Sightseeing floor

City Sights


Sky Tower Views

Wildlife Park

Harbor Dinner Cruise