Welcome to the Ruins of Pompeìì

After leaving the Amalfi coast after lunch on our excursion from the port of Naples we went to ruins of Pompeìì.   Most ruins happen over a period of time for a variety of reasons, but of course in this case it was a major catastrophe that killed the entire population from the ash and fumes of Mt. Vesuvius.  It was a warm day for October and it was a lot of walking, but well worth it.   I would not advise doing it in the heat of summer, or at least have a hat and sunscreen.

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  • Was an Ancient City where current city of Pompeii exists
  • Founded in 6th to 7th century BC
  • Destroyed in 79 AD
  • Estimated to have 11,000 residents
  • It was buried under up to 20 ft of Ash
  • Place was frozrn in time including the bodies
  • UNESCO World Heritage site
  • 2.5 million Visitors a year
  • Vesuvius in 5 miles away
  • Been a tourist destination for 250 years

Touring Pompeii Part 1

Touring Pompeii Part 2