Welcome to Great Pyramids and the Sphinx

The visit to the Pryamids and the Sphinx was absolutely the highlight of the trip.  The structures are actually in the sister city of Giza on the otherside of the Nile from Cairo  It is an amazing accomplishment.  Every person who built the Pyramids and the Sphinx were paid for their work.  They were farmers who could only farm 8 months a year and the other 4 months they worked for the Kings to build the structurex\s.


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  • Biggest Egyptian Pyramid
  • Built during the 4th dynasty of Hhufu
  • Built 2600 BC
  • Took 27 years to build
  • Oldest of 7 wonders of the ancient world
  • Only one remaining largely intact
  • At northern end of the 3 pyramids of Giza
  • at 481 feet high it was the tallest building in the world for 3800 years.
  • 2.3 million large blocks used   
  • 3 known small chambers
  • Limestone casing that made it smooth looking has long worn away.


  • Limestone statue
  • Head of human, body of a lion
  • Oldest known monumental  statue in Egypt.
  • 240 feet long 66 ft high 62 ft wide
  • built 2500 BC

Pyramids Part 1

Pyramids and Camels  Part 2

The Sphinx