Welcome to Amboseli Natl Park

Our first real stop on the tour was Amboseli National Park in southern Kenya.  It was our first glimpse at the wildlife and it certainly did not disappoint.   The lodge we stayed at was beautiful and the touring was great.   Each location we visited on the safari had something different in the way of topography and the views of the animals.

Right by the lodge, less than a mile away was a Masai tribal village that we got to tour. We donated $25 each to the tribal leader and we got the grand tour.  The people were so nice.    There were only 4 families in the complex, but since each man can have up to seven wives and each one has her own hut it was pretty good sized.  They have no electricity and no running water.   The school for the kids, just a hundred yards or so away, did have electricity and it is by choice the village does not.   The kids do learn English in the school.   An amazing experience.

Just click on a picture to see larger view and get a slideshow

  • 1883 first European Settlers arrived in Maasai Territory
  • Situated right on Kenya/Tanzania border
  • 151 square miles
  • 2nd most visited park in Kenya
  • 150 miles s/e of Nairobi
  • 120,000 plus visitors a year
  • Became game reserve in 1948
  • National Park n 1974
  • Excellent wildlife viewing because vegetation in the area is sparse.

Maasai Tribe Pt 1

Maasai Tribe Pt 2

Maasai Tribe School

Part 1

Part 2 Elephants

Part 3 Baboons and Elephants

Misc Animals

Serena Lodge