Welcome to the Summer Palace

The very last tour of the entire trip was to the Summer Palace and it did not disappoint.   When your looking at the pictures and videos of the palace it is key to know that the entire lake you see was dug out by hand and the hills in the background is the dirt from the lake.

Just click on a picture to see larger view and get a slideshow

  • Built in small sections from 1161 to the 1800’s by different Emperors.
  • 1.1 sq miles
  • 3/4 is the lake in the center
  • Longevity Hill, built from the dirt  of digging the lake is 200 ft high
  • 1914 became a private tourist attraction
  • 1953 Govt took it over as public park,
  • 1998 became UNESCO heritage site.

Summer Palace Pt 1

Summer Palace Pt 2