Welcome to Bermuda

We spent the day in Bermuda on a Transatlantic cruise from Florida to Barcelona.

We did a basic tour of the island and got to see a lot of the island.  Joy had been there a couple of times before and so she was a guide to me.   It is so clean and well maintained, but also a bit expensive as a result.  The weather was not the best the day we were there but I can see the appeal of the place.

Just click on a picture to see a larger view and get a slideshow

Back to Caribbean

I know it is not in the Caribbean, I just organized it that way for ease of use of the website

  • British Overseas Territory 
  • Population 71, 634
  • 643 miles e/ se of Cape Hatteras, N C in the Atlantic
  • Discovered 1612.
  • No inhabitants prior to that
  • St. George is the largest city
  • Hamilton is the capital
  • Official Language  English
  • Royal Naval Dockyard and national museum located far west end
  • Monarch is Queen of England
  • They have a Governor
  • Bermudian Dollar pegged at the US dollar
  • Drive on the left
  • 1 hour ahead of east coast
  • Tourism only 5% of GDP
  • 500,000 visitors a year 80% from the US
  • Trivia   You cannot rent a car there, only scooters

Royal Dockyard


St. George

Views of the Island