Welcome to Flam

We docked in the small town of Flam on our 2018 Cruise.  The main attraction to this town is the Flam railroad that winds itself up into the mountains and connects Flam with the rest of the world.   We took the train up and back and had two stops.  We first stopped at an amazing waterfall that has a bit of a folklore performance associated with it. Then we stopped at a small hotel and Inn for snacks while the train made its way to the station at the top of the mountain. About 45 minutes later it came back and took us back down the mountain.    

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  • Population 325
  • Small village at the end of the Aurlandsfjorden (fjord)
  • It is well inland
  • Flam means small flat piece of land
  • !st documentation 1340
  • Had 450,000 visitors
  • World famous Flam railroad from Flam to Myrdal.
  • One of steepest railroads in the world not counting COG railroads (like Pikes Peak)

Flam Arrival

Flam Railroad

Sightseeing Stops on the Railroad