Welcome to Durnstein

We stopped for the morning in the little village of Durstein, which is set on a cliff above the Danube.  I went exploring the town on my own and had some issues finding my way up into the village itself and I lost some time doing it.  Once I got up there and saw the village I found out there was a castle ruin above the town I could climb to.

I took off to climb to it with limited time to get back to the boat before we set sail for Melk.  It was a really steep climb and I made it about 75% of the way there before I ran out of time (and maybe wind).  I got some great views that really show up in the video

Just click on a picture to see a larger view and get a slideshow

  • Population of 864
  • 1192 1st mentioned
  • Run by Burgermeister, which means master of the town
  • North side of the Danube
  • Wine growing area
  • Name comes from the Medieval castle built above it.   
  • Durnstein means dry stone
  •  trivia King Richard the 1st was held captive in the castle for a period of time

