Welcome to Breisach and the Black Forest.

We docked in Breisach and then took a tour bus east into the southwest corner of the Black Forest to get a feel for this region of Germany.  It was a combination of seeing the scenery on the way there and then on a different route back to the ship.

At the Visitors Center we saw how they build the traditional Cuckoo clock and also we learned how to make the original Black Forest cake.  Only a million calories and counting.

We really saw only a tiny part of the Black Forest that has many many points of interest to visit if we ever get back there.

Just click on a picture to see a larger view and get a slideshow

  • Population of Breisach is 16,500
  • In Rhine River Valley
  • 60 KIlometers north of Basil, Switzerland
  • Gateway to the Black Forest
  • 85% of the town was destroyed by Allied Forces at the end of WW2
  • Black Forest is heavily forested mountain range
  • 100 miles by 30 miles in size. 
  • Mining was big business
  • Now Tourism is large providing over 300,000 jobs
  • Highest point is 4,898 ft

Black Forest Welcome Center