Welcome to Ayers Rock/Uluru

We flew from Cairns to Ayers Rock / Uluru.    Uluru is the official Aborigine name and I believe that now is used all the time instead of Ayers Rock.    The weather (their summer) was normally very hot and dry, but we got lucky and then had had a rain storm and the temperatures were only in the 70’s.   We did a complete 360 tour of the rock formation and then the next morning we got up really early and did a sunrise camel ride to see the sun coming up over the rock.   Later that day we went out into the outback to a viewing area to have snacks and had a toast to the sunset over the rock.  Great place to visit, but you are truly in the middle of nowhere. 

Just click on a picture to see larger view and get a slideshow


  •  Discovered 1873
  • Lg Sandstone Rock Formation
  • 208 miles s/w of Alice Springs in the Outback
  • 1142 feet high
  • in Northern Territory
  • World Heritage Site
  • Climbing banned in Oct 2019
  • Local Aborigine tribe control access to rock on 99 year lease
  • closest town is Yulara (pop 3000)

Ayers Rock

Sunrise Camel Ride

Sunset Views