Welcome to The Dendera Temple Complex

We traveled North out of Luxor about 40 miles by bus to visit the Dendera Temple complex which contains the Hather Temple as the cornerstone of the location. There are two unique things about this complex.

The first unique thing about this temple is that an Egyptian citizen invented a chemical agent that would remove the soot from the walls and ceiling to reveal the amazing colors underneath.  They had to wait 25 years after first testing it to make sure it did no long term harm.  The video shows the before and after.

The second unique thing is that it is the only temple in all of Egypt that has a carving of Cleopatra.

Just click on a picture to see larger view and get a slideshow

  • Temple Complex dates back to 54 B.C.
  • Complex is enclosed by a large mud brick wall.
  • One of the best preserved sites in Upper Egypt
  • It rests on the site of another temple that was built in 2500 B. C.
  • You can see the original foundation while on the tour.

Hather Temple Complex

Rooftop views of the Complex

Outside walls and Cleopatra’s Carvings