Welcome to Stonehenge

We did a full day tour into the countryside to first visit Windsor and Windsor Castle, then on to Bath, and finally to Stonehenge. One very unusual aspect of this tour was that we had 50% Japanese guests on the bus that did not speak English so our guide had to repeat everything twice.   You will hear some of it on the video.

This was both overwhelming and underwhelming all in the same breath.  It is truly amazing what the people who built Stonehenge did at the time, but in the end it is a set of rocks built in a circle.   Maybe we have become a bit jaded in our travels about what we see.  You will have to judge for yourself if you have been there or plan to go there.

Just click on a picture to see larger view and get a slideshow

  • Prehistoric Monument built in Wiltshire, England
  • Built between 3000 BC and 2000 BC
  • British cultural Icon
  • Became UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986
  • Was a burial ground
  • You can only walk around it, not up to it.
  • Trivia   The British Crown owns it.

The Bunch of Rocks